Over the years, I've had a nice following from Japan. Random orders would come in here and there, hitting the account just when I needed it. Life works nicely that way - supplying what you need when you believe it will. I've never met any of these people, but they found me and ordered my music. Funny how people you don't know can make such a difference in your life.
Lately, I've had another influx of orders from Japan. I am so grateful. The last order included the purchase of my lullaby CD which really makes me happy. I will donate 100% of that one to the charity nearest and dearest to my heart - www.mercycentre.org. In addition, I am so grateful for all the business coming my way, that I will share half of today's total order with Mercy Centre.
A donation has just been made in honor of my "Friends in Japan". Thank you, new friends!
My life as a singer, songwriter, new mom, champion for children's causes, and fashion enthusiast. I'm crazy for jazz, blues, old school R&B, and pop. Have also recently added kids music to my "repertoire". I'm also all about fashion, glam, travel, and helping others. But most of all, I'm loving life being mom to my sweet daughter, Ruby, adopted from Thailand. A lot of things to be grateful for and here is where I will share my stories, music, photos, and words of inspiration. More posts and tweets on my website blog www.macimiller.com
LOVE your new site Maci! And your good doing to this wonderful charity! Keep up the good work and more great things will come to you!
ReplyDeleteLove from your friend in South Africa!